Free Beacon Morgan Chalfant

Morgan Chalfant is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, Morgan worked as a staff writer at Red Alert Politics. She also served as the year-long Collegiate Network fellow on the editorial page at USA TODAY from 2013-14. Morgan graduated from Boston College in 2013 with a B.A. in English and Mathematics. Her Twitter handle is @mchalfant16.

Ted Strickland

Ted Strickland, Busy with Fundraising, Has Not Explained Flip Flop on Guns

Ohio Senate candidate silent on San Bernardino terror attack

December 8, 2015

Report: $28K Deposited in Account of San Bernardino Attacker Before Shooting

Money serves as ‘significant evidence of pre-meditation’

December 8, 2015

Three VA Facilities Improperly Approved $37K in Travel Reimbursements in One Year

Inspector general says taxpayer cost could be ‘significant’ if errors persist at VA hospitals nationwide

December 7, 2015

Majority of Americans Want U.S. Ground Troops to Fight Islamic State

Democrats and Republicans think military response has not been aggressive enough

December 7, 2015