Free Beacon Micah Mattix

Micah Mattix is an associate professor of English at Regent University and a contributing editor at The Weekly Standard. He edits the literary newsletter Prufrock.

Russia's Forgotten Anti-Stalinist Playwright

Review: Andrei Platonov, Robert Chandler (ed.), ‘Fourteen Little Red Huts and Other Plays’

December 17, 2016
Rembrandt's 'Homer'

Reading Homer Today

Review: Barbara Graziosi, ‘Homer’

December 3, 2016

How to Write a Review

Review: Elizabeth Bowen, Allan Hepburn (ed.), 'The Weight of a World of Feeling: Reviews and Essays'

November 19, 2016
Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan’s Words

Review: Bob Dylan, 'The Lyrics: 1961-2012'

November 5, 2016

The Trouble With Evelyn Waugh

Review: Philip Eade, 'Evelyn Waugh: A Life Revisited'

October 22, 2016
Håkan Sandell

Sweden’s ‘Retrogarde’ Poet

Review: Håkan Sandell, Bill Coyle (trans.), ‘Dog Star Notations’

October 8, 2016
John le Carre

Lunching With Thatcher, Dancing With Arafat

Review: John le Carré, ‘The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life’

September 24, 2016

A Very Modern Herbert

Review: Helen Wilcox (ed.), ‘George Herbert: 100 Poems’

September 10, 2016

Can American Colleges Be Fixed?

Review: Peter Lawler, 'American Heresies and Higher Education'

August 27, 2016

Was E.E. Cummings the Holden Caulfield of American Poetry?

Review: E.E. Cummings, George James Firmage (ed.), ‘Complete Poems: 1904-1962’

August 13, 2016