Free Beacon Matthew Walther

Matthew Walther is associate editor of the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously assistant editor of the American Spectator. His work has also appeared in the Spectator of London, First Things, the Weekly Standard, National Review, the Daily Beast, and other publications. He lives with his wife, Lydia, and their two daughters in Alexandria, Virginia. His Twitter handle is @matthewwalther.

The School of Athens by Raphael

The Philosophers Stoned

Review: Peter Catapano and Simon Critchley (editors), ‘The Stone Reader: Modern Philosophy in 133 Arguments’

April 1, 2016
Dr. Brian King

Smoke and Mirrors

Feature: One brave smoker hears the case against his habit

March 31, 2016
Rudyard Kipling

Visions and Voices

Review: Rudyard Kipling and Daniel Karlin (editor), ‘Stories and Poems’

March 25, 2016
Martin O'Malley

Tales From the Crypt

Feature: What I heard listening to Martin O’Malley in a dorm basement

March 23, 2016

There Are Two Hulk Hogans

Feature: What I saw at Bollea v. Gawker

March 18, 2016

The Day I Marched on Wall Street

Feature: A left-wing group demands Hillary Clinton
release her Goldman Sachs transcripts

March 10, 2016

British Member of Parliament Calls John Kerry a ‘Sympathizer With Terrorists’

Jacob Rees-Mogg recently asked whether Kanye West ‘is a man or a woman’

March 7, 2016
John Maynard Keynes / AP

The Most of the Master

Review: Robert Skidelsky (editor), ‘The Essential Keynes’

March 4, 2016


Review: Ted Rall, ‘Bernie’

February 26, 2016