Free Beacon Mary Lou Lang

Mary Lou Lang is a freelance writer whose stories have been published in The Revered Review, StreetAuthority, Trefis, the Daily Caller, and Area Development Magazine. Several of her stories have been republished on The Blaze and the Heartland Institute’s Heartlander Magazine. Prior to freelancing, she worked at financial magazines for Dow Jones and the A.M. Best Company.

Defiance Against NY’s Gun Control Law Continues Two Years Later

County Sheriff Urges New Yorkers to throw pistol permit renewals in trash

January 21, 2015

FL Teacher’s Union Vows to Continue Fight Against School Choice Despite Defeat

Union opposes efforts of disabled students to use state money for better education

January 7, 2015

NJ Med Students Learn About Psychiatric Disorders by Watching Seinfeld

Psy-feld course is ‘unconventional’ but ‘effective’

January 6, 2015
Guns on Campus

Concealed Carry Closer to Reality on Colleges in Florida, Texas

Push to allow students to arm themselves comes on second anniversary of Sandy Hook

December 11, 2014
Andrew Cuomo

NY Job Losses Continue as Cuomo’s Jobs Program Is Being Audited

Layoffs announce as audit of jobs program begins

December 8, 2014

Feds to Investigate Alleged Discrimination in Aid to NY Schools

Superintendents claim state aid discriminates against minority, disabled, non-English speakers

December 5, 2014