Free Beacon Mary Lou Lang

Mary Lou Lang is a freelance writer whose stories have been published in The Revered Review, StreetAuthority, Trefis, the Daily Caller, and Area Development Magazine. Several of her stories have been republished on The Blaze and the Heartland Institute’s Heartlander Magazine. Prior to freelancing, she worked at financial magazines for Dow Jones and the A.M. Best Company.

Massachusetts gun owners face long wait periods for fire arm I.D.'s

NRA: Massachusetts 'Abusing' Citizens

Applicants for firearms licenses say state slow-walking approval

December 2, 2013

Obamacare’s Catastrophic Effects on One Town

Feature: Obamacare hits Middletown, New Jersey especially hard

November 25, 2013
Feds back down from using University of Montana's sexual harassment guidelines

Feds Back Down on Sexual Harassment Guidelines on Campuses

DOJ and DOE issued guideline to define ‘unwelcome speech’ as sexual harassment

November 22, 2013

Gun Companies Leave New York Following SAFE Act

Opposition mounts even as part of law is quietly delayed

November 5, 2013

Battle Heats Up in NJ on Amending Constitution and Increasing Minimum Wage

Small business owners say wage hike will cost jobs

October 31, 2013

Hurricane Sandy: One Year Later

Feature: Victims of Sandy struggle to put their lives back together

October 29, 2013

Atheist Group Criticizes Police for Faith-Based Initiative

Calls for Cincinnati police to ‘get off their knees’ in letter

October 18, 2013

Agents Continue Protecting Borders Without Pay

Border agents considered ‘essential,’ but are not receiving paychecks

October 10, 2013

Sex Lecture on Masturbation Planned At Public University

Mandated student fees used to pay for event

October 7, 2013

Faculty: Sexual Harassment Policy Approved by Feds ‘Orwellian’

University of Montana faculty questions requirement that those who skip training be reported to feds

October 2, 2013