Free Beacon Mary Lou Lang

Mary Lou Lang is a freelance writer whose stories have been published in The Revered Review, StreetAuthority, Trefis, the Daily Caller, and Area Development Magazine. Several of her stories have been republished on The Blaze and the Heartland Institute’s Heartlander Magazine. Prior to freelancing, she worked at financial magazines for Dow Jones and the A.M. Best Company.

Obama Economy Leaves People Hungry

Underemployed seek meals from food banks

November 17, 2014
Pat Quinn

Taxpayers Win Big in Midterms

Large percentages of voters reject more taxes

November 5, 2014

Pro-life and Pro-Choice Supporters in Battle Over N.D. Human Life Amendment

Outside Planned Parenthood groups flooding state with money

October 31, 2014

Washington State Voters Face Opposing Gun Initiatives in Wake of School Shooting

Anti-gun law would criminalize sharing guns at shooting ranges, while hunting

October 27, 2014

Pro-Police Rally for NYPD Attracts Hundreds in Staten Island

Rally comes in response to anti-police activism spearheaded by Al Sharpton

September 29, 2014

New Jersey Democrats Accused of Using Unethical Campaigning, ‘Gutter’ Tactics

Voters report ‘push poll’ designed to depress GOP turnout

September 17, 2014

On the Campaign Trail with Jeff Bell

Republican upstart hopes to ride economic plan and anti-incumbent sentiment into the Senate

September 15, 2014