Lachlan Markay is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He comes to the Beacon from the Heritage Foundation, where he was the conservative think tank's first investigative reporter. He graduated from Hamilton College in 2009, and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @lachlan. His email address is
Franken’s Attacks on ‘Fat Cat’ Financiers Backfire
Minnesota Democrat invested in opponent’s tax-inverting company as son’s private equity firm opens shop in Caymans
Progressive Dark Money Group Blames GOP for Ebola Deaths
Democracy Alliance cofounder Erica Payne’s group says GOP is ‘directly’ responsible for thousands of deaths in attack ads
To Attack ‘Koch Brothers,’ Begich Goes Environmentalist
Previously laudatory of Koch company’s cleanup efforts, Begich now hits ‘Koch Brothers’ for water contamination
Top Ecuadorian Officials Under Investigation Over Shady US PR Work
Ecuador’s communications secretary and ambassador to the US summoned to give testimony
Anti-Steyer Ad Leads Left Wing Money-in-Politics Video Contest
Conservative group’s salvo against ‘America’s Biggest Hypocrite’ dominates voting
Alleged Ballot Fraud Ensnares Groups Tied to Dem Super PAC
Sprawling network linked to David Brock groups Media Matters, American Bridge
Grimes Staff Caught on Hidden Camera: She's Lying About Support for Coal Industry
'It's a lying game'
IG: DOE Manager Created ‘Hostile Work Environment,’ Used Subordinates As Errand Boys
Not the first allegations of impropriety against the unnamed manager
Public Radio Station to Investigate Tirades Against GOP Congressman
Staffer told former Army colonel to ‘find a real job … and not live off the taxpayers money’