Free Beacon Lachlan Markay

Lachlan Markay is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He comes to the Beacon from the Heritage Foundation, where he was the conservative think tank's first investigative reporter. He graduated from Hamilton College in 2009, and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @lachlan. His email address is

Influential Anti-Tax Group Okays Key Trade Measure

Americans for Tax Reform disputes Democratic operative’s claim trade bill violates anti-tax pledge

June 16, 2015

State Department Has No Record of Clinton IT Security Training

Cybersecurity experts troubled that Clinton and two top deputies apparently skipped training

June 12, 2015
Barack Obama

Dem Operative Rallies Conservatives Against ‘ObamaTrade’

Self-described progressive Democrat Curtis Ellis finds receptive ears on conservative blogs and talk radio

June 11, 2015
Rafael Correa

Documents Reveal Ecuadorian PR Efforts in Suburban Atlanta

Ecuador’s attorney general has paid at least $867,000 for PR services

June 11, 2015

Leading Environmentalist: EPA an Oil Industry Mouthpiece

'Gasland' director Josh Fox calls fracking study ‘proof of the widespread, systemic contamination of our regulatory bodies’

June 8, 2015

As Myanmar Threatens Clinton Legacy, Podesta Firm Works to Mend Image

Lobbying firm founded by Clinton campaign chair gets $840,000 to advance interests of repressive Asian nation

June 5, 2015

TNR Owner Raises Cash for Hillary, Who Backed Husband’s Campaign

At the last minute, Clinton backed Sean Eldridge’s doomed congressional run. Now Eldridge and his husband are fundraising for her

June 3, 2015