Free Beacon Jessica Costescu

Jessica Costescu is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. She graduated from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service with a major in International Politics and a concentration in Foreign Policy. She also holds an Associate Degree in Administration of Justice from Cypress College. She can be reached at

House Presses MIT To Provide Records on Its Response to Campus Anti-Semitism

'We have grave concerns regarding the inadequacy of MIT's response to antisemitism on its campus,' Virginia Foxx writes

March 8, 2024

Is 'Globalize the Intifada' an Incitement to Violence? Columbia's Anti-Semitism Task Force Won't Say

'Some feel strongly that these are calls to genocide, while others feel strongly that they are not,' task force writes in first report

March 8, 2024

MIT Jewish Student Leader Will Attend State of the Union as Guest of Speaker Mike Johnson

'If we do not stand up to antisemitism now, our universities and our country will be less safe,' says Talia Khan

March 6, 2024

Biden Slams America's Conduct During WWII in Attempt To Criticize Israel

'That's why we ended up with the United Nation and all these rules,' president says in interview

March 5, 2024

Berkeley Opens Hate Crime Probe After Violent Protest Forces Israeli Speaker To Evacuate

'No one from Berkeley has contacted me since,' Ran Bar-Yoshafat said in wake of canceled speech

March 4, 2024

Dem Megadonor Tries To Bully NPR Reporter Who Exposed His Shady Shell Companies

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff tracked down journalist, relayed 'personal details' about her family

February 29, 2024

He Endorsed Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Then He Landed a Professorship at Columbia University.

Mohamed Abdou said he was 'with Hamas' just days before joining Ivy League school

February 27, 2024

Pink Floyd Frontman's Nazi Uniform Was No Big Deal, Penn's Anti-Semitic Cartoonist Says

‘They call Waters an antisemite for dressing up in a leather jacket,’ lecturer Dwayne Booth said in interview with socialist site

February 21, 2024

Chair of Harvard University History Department Belongs to Group Behind Grotesque Anti-Semitic Cartoon

Sidney Chalhoub pledged to support 'Palestinian liberation' as part of Harvard Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine

February 20, 2024

New Mexico's Martin Heinrich Embraced a Struggling Electric Bus Industry. Campaign Cash from Lobbyists Followed.

Dem senator slammed influence of 'special interest lobbyists' before backing bill pushed by former chief of staff

February 20, 2024