Free Beacon Jessica Costescu

Jessica Costescu is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. She graduated from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service with a major in International Politics and a concentration in Foreign Policy. She also holds an Associate Degree in Administration of Justice from Cypress College. She can be reached at

Jewish Dems Endorse 'Squad' Challengers, Pitting Them Against Incumbents Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush

Jewish Democratic Council of America had never endorsed against a Dem incumbent

March 28, 2024

Columbia 'Palestinian Resistance' Event Violates YouTube Policy Against Promotion of Terrorism, Video Platform Says

'Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our violent criminal organizations policy,' YouTube tells Free Beacon

March 27, 2024

Meta Oversight Board Recommends Loosening Standards To Allow Users To Glorify Terrorists as Martyrs

'At such a precarious moment for Jewish communities … it would be irresponsible to reduce safety measures online,' Jewish group says

March 26, 2024

At Columbia, an Israeli-Designated Terror Group Teaches 'Palestinian Resistance 101'—And Lauds Plane Hijackings

'The fact is that October 7 changed the world … we saw the potential of a future for Palestine liberated from Zionism,' Samidoun's Charlotte Kates says

March 25, 2024

Democrat Maria Cantwell Emerges as Key Player in TikTok Fight. Her Former Aides Are Working for the Company.

After classified briefing on Chinese-owned app's national security threats, Cantwell stresses patience as others raise alarm

March 22, 2024

Anti-Semitic Cartoonist Will Teach Fall Course at Penn, Ivy League School Announces

Communications lecturer Dwayne Booth has faced no discipline after publishing blood libel cartoon

March 15, 2024

Israeli Lawyer Ran Bar-Yoshafat Will Return to Berkeley After Anti-Semitic Mob Shut Down His Speech

'I really think this is bigger than an Israeli issue or a Jewish issue,' he tells the Free Beacon

March 14, 2024

MIT Refused To Host Dennis Ross. It Invited a Hamas Apologist Instead.

Dalia Mogahed, who described Hamas terrorism as legal 'resistance,' slated to speak as a part of MIT's 'Standing Against Hate' Initiative

March 14, 2024

Neurosurgeon Featured in TikTok Ad Blitz Plagued By Medical Malpractice Suit

Dr. Brian Hoeflinger says Chinese-owned app 'has the power to change society'

March 13, 2024