Free Beacon Haris Alic

Haris Alic is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the staff, Haris worked in communications and government relations at various non-profits. Haris lives in Arlington, Virginia. His Twitter handle is @realHarisAlic. He can be reached at

Migrant Caravan Pushes Forward to U.S. Through Mexico

Group swells to 7,000 strong as DHS warns of infiltration by 'transnational criminal' groups

October 22, 2018

Thousands of Migrants Charge Guatemala-Mexico Border En Route to U.S.

Honduran migrant: 'We are going to the United States! Nobody is going to stop us!'

October 19, 2018

Arizona Dem Candidate Signals Support for Impeaching Kavanaugh

Tipirneni: 'We’re talking about impacting civil rights ... voting rights ... women’s reproductive health rights'

October 17, 2018

Dem Candidate Robbed at Knifepoint Previously 'Ignored' Police Staffing Concerns

As mayor, Stanton championed smart urbanism projects while the Phoenix police dept. remained 'dangerously' understaffed

October 17, 2018

South Carolina Democrat: Sanders Would Be 'Doing Us All a Favor if He Just Got Lost'

Democrats worry Sanders' visit to the red state will damage support from cross-over voters

October 11, 2018
Elizabeth Warren

Police Union Refuses to Endorse Warren Over Her Attacks on Law Enforcement

Boston police officers: 'Warren has made derogatory comments to law enforcement and we can’t stand with her'

October 8, 2018

Warren Champions Indian Gaming Bill Tied to Special Interests

Legislation would expedite Native American casino project backed by Malaysian conglomerate with deep pockets

October 7, 2018
David Garcia

Garcia's Explanation for Missed School Meetings Contradict Official Records

Arizona Dem candidate for governor claims teaching schedule prevented him from attending board meetings

October 1, 2018

Dem Nominee for Mass. Governor Refuses to Explain How Much Policies Will Cost

Gonzalez won't specify the cost of universal pre-k, Medicare for All, and new infrastructure projects

September 25, 2018