Free Beacon Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for Her email address is Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.

EPA Wants to Monitor How Long Hotel Guests Spend in the Shower

$15,000 grant creating device to “modify” guests behavior

March 17, 2015

Meat Group to Feds: ‘Hands Off My Hot Dog’

North American Meat Institute starts petition against federal dietary guidelines

March 16, 2015

Social Security Paid 740 Dead People At Least $17.1 Million

OIG: ‘These results are likely understated’

March 13, 2015

Feds Spend $42,676 Studying Sexting by College Girls

Hypothesis: Men and women interpret sexting differently

March 13, 2015

Justice Department Protected Convicted Child Rapists

Audit: DOJ protected 58 sex offenders in witness protection program

March 11, 2015

Survey: Government Workers ‘Thriving’ While Private Sector Struggles

Median federal salary $27,000 higher than private employees

March 11, 2015

Feds Spent $148,379 to Create ‘Diet Choker’ That Monitors Eating Habits

Smart necklace ‘can be set to buzz or send alerts if any undesirable behavior occurs’

March 11, 2015