Free Beacon Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for Her email address is Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.

Feds Want to Lower Legal Driving Limit to One Drink

‘States should lower BAC levels to 0.05— or even lower’

January 15, 2016

Feds Spend $999,946 Building Robot Nurses

To increase the ‘social acceptance’ of robots

January 13, 2016

Park Service Employees
Engaged in Sexual Misconduct, Harassment for Years

Grand Canyon River Team tried to ‘get laid as much as possible’

January 12, 2016
Jon Keyser

Keyser Enters Senate Race, Promises to Undo Iran Nuclear Deal

Calls Bennet ‘dangerous’ on national security

January 11, 2016

Feds to Businesses:
Change to ‘Walking Meetings’

New dietary guidelines take a ‘collective’ approach

January 7, 2016

Feds Can’t Ensure Obamacare Subsidies Going to Those Who
Actually Paid Premiums

Audit finds agency had no permanent process to approve subsidies

January 6, 2016
Tom Steyer

Tom Steyer Pouring Money into Colorado, Again

Liberal billionaire failed in state in 2014

January 5, 2016