Free Beacon Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for Her email address is Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.

Report: Net Neutrality Leads to Higher prices, Less Innovation

Say goodbye to unlimited HBO data streaming, think tank says

May 17, 2017
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai

Alt-Left Targets Ajit Pai

Members of violent protest groups organize events in FCC chairman's neighborhood

May 15, 2017

Democrat Refers to Middle America as 'Podunk, USA'

Derogatory comment made during discussion of rural broadband access

May 11, 2017

'Resistance' Researcher Gets $43,576 From NIH

Grant to study 'health status of gender minorities'

May 10, 2017

Santa Fe Voters Reject Michael Bloomberg's Soda Tax

Former NYC mayor poured $1.5 million into effort

May 4, 2017

Trump Administration Delays Obamacare Calorie Rule

FDA: 'Fundamental questions and concerns' with final regulation

May 3, 2017

Let Them Eat Salt

Trump admin provides flexibility from Michelle Obama lunch rules

May 2, 2017