Free Beacon Daniel Wiser

Daniel Wiser is an assistant editor of National Affairs. He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in May 2013, where he studied Journalism and Political Science and was the State & National Editor for The Daily Tar Heel. He hails from Waxhaw, N.C., and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @TheWiserChoice.

Human Rights Groups, Ted Cruz Blast Obama For Not Speaking Publicly About Chinese Dissident

Officials Would Not Confirm Whether Susan Rice Raised Case Of Dissident Who Was Tortured In Detention

September 10, 2014

Sexist Activist Cut Loose from Democratic Campaign in New York

Democratic supporter called on Republican candidate Stefanik to reveal her private ‘relationships’

September 10, 2014

Dem Congressman Skipped VA Hearing, Attended Fundraiser on Same Day

Iowa GOP: Rep. Braley’s Priorities are Backwards on Veterans Issues

September 8, 2014
Militants from the al Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) celebrate the group's declaration of an Islamic state, in Fallujah

Ernst Slams Obama’s Non-Strategy Against ISIL

Iowa Senate candidate seeks to promote her foreign policy creds

September 5, 2014
Chinese students listen to a teacher in the preparation for the annual National College Entrance Examination at a school in Shanghai, China

Inside China’s Propaganda Program For High Schools

Textbooks teach students to embrace communist party, reject Western values

September 5, 2014

Lessons From Augustus

Experts discuss the legacy of the first Roman emperor

September 3, 2014
Protesters attend a protest rally in Hong Kong Sunday, Aug. 31

Clashes Escalate in Hong Kong Between Protesters, Police

Arrests come after China denied full democracy to financial center

September 3, 2014

China Quashes Democracy in Hong Kong

Ruling allows Beijing to still control nomination process for city’s top leader

August 31, 2014
Performers tied to wires rehearse for the opening ceremony of the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games

China Cracks Down On Activists During Youth Olympic Games

Latest example of repression receives no Western media coverage

August 29, 2014

Braley Enlists Elizabeth Warren to Bolster Populist Image

Progressive Massachusetts senator criticized as hypocrite over support for corporations

August 28, 2014