Daniel Wiser is an assistant editor of National Affairs. He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in May 2013, where he studied Journalism and Political Science and was the State & National Editor for The Daily Tar Heel. He hails from Waxhaw, N.C., and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @TheWiserChoice.
U.S. Military Unprepared for Multiplying Threats Abroad
Changes from previous report suggests Obama admin surprised by actions of foreign adversaries, analysts say
Lindsey Graham Calls for 20,000 Ground Troops in Iraq, Syria to Defeat Islamic State
Challenges presidential rivals on foreign policy
How a Nuclear Deal Would Make Iran ‘A Very Successful Regional Power’
Analysts say agreement would boost Iran’s economy, military, and destabilization of region
Record Number of Jews Flee Russia
Kremlin targets dissenters to its bellicose foreign policy
Hong Kong’s Democrats Face Uncertain Future
Protesters, U.S. officials have few options to pressure China on resistance to democratic reforms
Budget Cuts Might Force Marines to Use Foreign Ships
Navy will not have access to more vessels for several years
China Denies Medical Treatment to Political Prisoners
Latest victim is 71-year-old grandmother, reporter
US Helped Release Iranian Prisoners As Sweetener for Nuclear Talks
At least three Americans still held in Tehran as negotiations reach final stage