Free Beacon Daniel Wiser

Daniel Wiser is an assistant editor of National Affairs. He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in May 2013, where he studied Journalism and Political Science and was the State & National Editor for The Daily Tar Heel. He hails from Waxhaw, N.C., and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @TheWiserChoice.

The Ideologue

Review: Mark Moyar, ‘Strategic Failure’ and Colin Dueck, ‘The Obama Doctrine’

July 25, 2015
U.S. Army Sgt. William Womack, 23, from Batesville, Ga., of the 118th Military Police Co., based at Fort Bragg, N.C., is prone during a training session for the Afghan National Police at a combat outpost in the Jalrez Valley in Afghanistan's Wardak Province

Troop Desertions, Casualties Mount for Afghan Forces

Deaths up 50 percent this year as Obama plans full withdrawal by 2016

July 22, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s Fannie and Freddie Problem

Democratic presidential candidate endorsed risky mortgage lending that led to financial crisis

July 21, 2015
Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng: Obama ‘Soft’ on China Amid Widening Human Rights Crackdown

Prominent dissident says U.S. president ‘always seems to be caving into demands’

July 21, 2015
Shinzo Abe

Japan Claims Limited Military Powers for First Time Since World War II

Japanese Prime Minister: ‘The security situation surrounding Japan is growing more severe’

July 17, 2015

Senator Asks Why FBI Let Benghazi Attacker Go

Terrorist operative later joined the Islamic State as a recruiter of foreign fighters

July 17, 2015
Vladimir Putin

Expert: U.S. Must Rely on Russia to Preserve Arms Embargo on Iran

Kremlin has already proposed weapons sales to Tehran

July 15, 2015
Xi Jinping

Rights Groups Urge Obama to Cancel Meeting with Chinese President Amid Crackdown

More than two-dozen Chinese human rights lawyers targeted in campaign of repression

July 15, 2015
A Russia-backed rebel tank moves to position, near Donetsk airport, eastern Ukraine, Friday, June 12

Russian Troops Prosecuted After Refusing to Fight in Ukraine

Undermines claims by Kremlin that soldiers are ‘volunteers’

July 13, 2015