Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Complaint: Missouri Dem Used State Resources to Boost Gubernatorial Campaign

Galloway used taxpayer funds to boost her gubernatorial campaign

September 11, 2020

Biden Campaigns with Union Official Accused of Sexual Harassment

Female official accused UAW exec of sexual misconduct

September 10, 2020

Iowa Dem Dodges on Support for Late-Term Abortion

Late-term abortion supporter Finkenauer avoids question about stance

September 8, 2020

Biden Surrogate Builds Wall, Makes Michigan Taxpayers Pay For It

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to spend $1.1 million on security upgrades at mansion

September 8, 2020

Swing District Dem Compares Trump to Hitler

Freshman Dem accuses Trump supporters of blindly following president

September 4, 2020

Amy McGrath Equates Supporting Her Campaign to Serving in Uniform

Vets fume at McGrath's 'degrading' comparison of campaign work to combat

September 4, 2020

Chamber of Commerce Backs Democrats Pushing $15 Minimum Wage

Chamber has said policy could cut 3.7 million jobs

September 2, 2020

Dem Bullock Changes Voting Rules As He Eyes Senate Seat

GOP suit challenges Dem's executive orders that affect his Senate bid

September 2, 2020

GOP Senators Band Together to Call for Debates

Gardner, Tillis, and McSally press for national CNN debates

September 1, 2020