Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Dark Money Group Behind Kendra Horn's Rise

Oklahoma Dem benefited from hundreds of thousands in anonymous donations

October 23, 2020

Biden: $15 Minimum Wage Will 'Bail Out' Small Businesses

Analysis found that minimum wage hike would kill 2 million jobs

October 22, 2020

Liberal Groups Spend Big to Boost Third-Party Conservative Who Ended Candidacy

S.C. Dems looking to siphon votes from Sen. Lindsey Graham

October 22, 2020

Biden Campaign Pulls Ad After Free Beacon Report

Dems sold tech heir as small business owner

October 21, 2020

Jaime Harrison Headlined Foreign 'Lobbying School'

S.C. Dem taught art of influence peddling to Turkish execs amid media crackdown

October 21, 2020

Biden Ad Portrays Wealthy Tech Investor as Struggling Small Business Owner

Detroit heir made max contributions to Biden amid bar's coronavirus struggles

October 19, 2020

Report: Biden Economic Policy Will Kill Two Million Jobs

$15 minimum wage hike would slash jobs from women, minorities

October 19, 2020

Cal Cunningham's Family Business Was a Top Polluter in North Carolina

Senate Dem candidate now campaigns as environmentalist

October 16, 2020

Cunningham's Mistress Donated to Campaign Around Time of Sexual Encounter

Senate Dem hopeful slept with Army vet's wife then cashed campaign checks

October 15, 2020