Free Beacon CJ Ciaramella

CJ Ciaramella is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Beacon, he was a reporter for the Daily Caller. He was also a Collegiate Network year-long fellow at the San Diego Union-Tribune and has written articles for the Weekly Standard and Oregon Quarterly. Ciaramella attended the University of Oregon, where he edited the award-winning student magazine, the Oregon Commentator. He lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @cjciaramella. His email address is


A123 sale to Chinese firm raises security concerns, Republicans and outside critics say

December 13, 2012

House Pressures EPA on Emails

Secret Emails subject of inquiry by Energy and Commerce Committee

December 13, 2012

Yoko Sets Her Sights on Breaking Up Fracking

Full-page ad asks Cuomo to ‘imagine there’s no fracking’

December 11, 2012

I’ve Seen Fire and Rain Cupcakes

FEATURE: James Taylor talks politics, Taylor Swift at National Press Club

December 10, 2012

EPA Employee Demoted for Prison Telephone Scheme

Another retires in Hatch Act investigation

December 5, 2012

Unfree Information

FOIA reforms fall flat under ‘most transparent admin in history’

December 5, 2012

End of Ethanol

Critics take aim at tax breaks for ethanol subsidies

December 4, 2012


GAO report: TSA received 39,000 complaints between 2009 and 2012

November 29, 2012

TSA Refuses to Show at Committee Hearing

Claims House Transportation Committee has no jurisdiction over it

November 29, 2012

Rice Has Up to $600K Stake in Keystone Company

Approving pipeline could be one of new secretary of state's first duties

November 28, 2012