Free Beacon CJ Ciaramella

CJ Ciaramella is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Beacon, he was a reporter for the Daily Caller. He was also a Collegiate Network year-long fellow at the San Diego Union-Tribune and has written articles for the Weekly Standard and Oregon Quarterly. Ciaramella attended the University of Oregon, where he edited the award-winning student magazine, the Oregon Commentator. He lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @cjciaramella. His email address is

Religion Survives National Day of Reason

From the Archives: Atheist unconvinced of religion’s evil by fellow atheists

May 4, 2013

Transparency Delayed, Transparency Denied

SCOTUS FOIA decision sparks concern among watchdogs

April 30, 2013

Gun Guys Like Us

Review: Dan Baum’s ‘Gun Guys’ is a thoughtful romp through armed America

April 29, 2013

Vandalizing the NRA

Shepard Fairey introduces propaganda poster, ends gun control debate

April 26, 2013

Gun-Grabbers Go After GOP

Giffords group launches ads attacking McConnell, Ayotte for gun votes

April 24, 2013

What’s Next For Gun Control

Reid pulls bill, Dems vow to continue fight, Republicans dig in

April 18, 2013

Perez Used Private Email for Gov Business

Emails to Planned Parenthood, New York Times, Talking Points Memo

April 18, 2013

Remove and Replace

Senate Republicans ready substitute gun bill

April 16, 2013
jim moran

Strange Comparisons

Rep. Moran compares gun violence to 9/11, ‘domestic terrorism’

April 15, 2013