Free Beacon CJ Ciaramella

CJ Ciaramella is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Beacon, he was a reporter for the Daily Caller. He was also a Collegiate Network year-long fellow at the San Diego Union-Tribune and has written articles for the Weekly Standard and Oregon Quarterly. Ciaramella attended the University of Oregon, where he edited the award-winning student magazine, the Oregon Commentator. He lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @cjciaramella. His email address is

Lisa Jackson Contacted Lobbyist from Private Email

Newly released emails suggest EPA administrator used home email address in addition to ‘Richard Windsor’ account

August 14, 2013
Lois Lerner

Lois Lerner Used Private Email, House Oversight Says

Committee investigating whether IRS official violated federal record law

August 13, 2013

Environmentalists March on State Department to Protest Keystone

Protesters defeated by withering heat, fail to get arrested

August 12, 2013

Goldwater Institute to Durbin: ‘Have you no decency?’

Small government groups criticize senator for McCarthyite tactics

August 9, 2013

Chris Christie Signs 10 Gun Bills Into Law

Terror watch list members disqualified from owning guns in N.J.

August 8, 2013

EPA Sets Biofuel Supply Requirements to Decrease Fossil Fuel Reliance

Oil and gas industry say the agency is trying to make a ‘broken’ system work

August 6, 2013

House Passes Bill to Limit Regulations, Carbon Taxes

Chamber of Commerce may include vote in their annual scorecard

August 2, 2013

Riding the Motor City Struggle Bus

From the Archives: Bankruptcy? Don't tell that to the people of Detroit

August 1, 2013

Attorneys General in 12 States File Suit Against Environmental Protection Agency

AGs target ‘sue and settle’ suits that create new regulations

July 16, 2013