Free Beacon CJ Ciaramella

CJ Ciaramella is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Beacon, he was a reporter for the Daily Caller. He was also a Collegiate Network year-long fellow at the San Diego Union-Tribune and has written articles for the Weekly Standard and Oregon Quarterly. Ciaramella attended the University of Oregon, where he edited the award-winning student magazine, the Oregon Commentator. He lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @cjciaramella. His email address is

Blue Collar Kings: Checkers Crosses Class Divides

Feature: A look into a Washington, D.C. checkers club

September 26, 2013

Export-Import Bank Awards Millions to Spanish Green Energy Company

Former NM Gov Sec Bill Richardson sits on both boards

September 25, 2013

Atheists of America Unite

Feature: Godless voters seek godless pols with new PAC

September 19, 2013

Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Holder and Fast and Furious

Holder was cited for contempt by the House of Representatives

September 17, 2013

GAO: FOIA Watchdog Needs to Be More Aggressive

Experts suggest agency needs more funding from the government

September 16, 2013

Senators Question Armed EPA Raid in Alaska

Call tactics ‘heavy-handed’ and ‘wholly unnecessary’

September 12, 2013

Lisa Jackson Denies Skirting FOIA Laws

Jackson claims she was instructed by past officials to use an alias that could not be easily traced back to her

September 10, 2013