Free Beacon Chuck Ross

Chuck Ross is a senior investigative reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. He previously worked as an investigative reporter for the Daily Caller. He graduated from Wichita State University and lives near Kansas City. You can reach Chuck at

Biden Administration Green Lights Putin’s Pipeline

Nord Stream 2 will boost the Russian president's influence in Europe

July 21, 2021

Swalwell Had Meetings With Qatari Charity Tied to Terrorist Groups

Qatar Foundation spends hundreds of millions of dollars per year to influence U.S. colleges

July 20, 2021

Blumenthal and Wife Have Six-Figure Investment in Chinese Government-Linked Retail Center

Wealthy Democrat says he was unaware of Chinese investment until contacted by the Washington Free Beacon

July 9, 2021

Soros-Funded Groups Call on Biden To Ignore China’s Abuses in Order To Fight Climate Change

Signatories also took money from groups with ties to Chinese Communist Party

July 8, 2021

Report: Convicted Terrorists Led Religious Services in Federal Prisons

Prison officials worry inmate-led services pose security risk

July 7, 2021

Hunter Biden Consulted for Oil Man Connected to Notorious Congolese Warlord, Emails Show

David Axelrod's son helped connect mogul with multiple ambassadors

July 6, 2021

Top Biden Allies Worked for Group With Close Ties to Chinese Communist Party

Experts worry National Committee on U.S.-China Relations could impact Biden administration policy

July 5, 2021

Iconic American Magazine Fails To Disclose CCP Funding in Latest Print Edition

Time magazine has taken more than $700,000 from China Daily for sponsored content

July 1, 2021