Free Beacon Charles Fain Lehman

Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal. He was previously a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon.

Scene at the signing of the Constitution

Bringing Back Virtue

Review: 'The Republic of Virtue: How We Tried to Ban Corruption, Failed, and What We Can Do About It' by F.H. Buckley

November 5, 2017

HHS Announces $10 Million Initiative Targeted at Teen Pregnancy

Amid declining pregnancy rates, department focused on holistic approach to health

November 4, 2017
heroin opioid

Presidential Commission Reveals Multi-Pronged Strategy to Fight Opioid Epidemic

Christie-led commission supports multi-media campaign, drug courts, negative on marijuana

November 2, 2017

Congressional Dems File Brief Opposing Bakers in Gay Wedding Cake Case

Claim that baker's argument no different from those against protecting African Americans

November 2, 2017

Report: Opioid Epidemic Strikes Unmarried, Uneducated Worst

New numbers from Sen. Lee initiative detail the social shape of the opioid epidemic

November 1, 2017

The Paul Manafort Indictment: Six Takeaways

Analysis: In spite of media hysteria, charges unrelated to Trump campaign, Russia

October 30, 2017

Federal Panel Destroys U.S. Inventors’ Property Rights

SCOTUS to rule on constitutionality of Patent Trial and Appeal Board

October 28, 2017

Texas Abortion Clinics Marred with Health, Safety Issues, Inspection Reveals

New reports throw light on poor standards in facilities that fought regulation at SCOTUS

October 27, 2017

Trump Announces Designation of Opioid Epidemic as Public Health Crisis

Won't call for 'national emergency' designation just yet

October 26, 2017