Free Beacon Charles Fain Lehman

Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal. He was previously a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon.


More Law Enforcement Leaders Criticize FIRST STEP

Groups thought to support bill issue letter opposing it

November 16, 2018
Sen. Marco Rubio

Rubio Outlines Pro-Work Conservatism

Address at Heritage gives details of worker-focused anti-poverty policy

November 15, 2018

White House Defends Whitaker's Appointment to AG as Legitimate

Office of Legislative Counsel releases opinion on controversial appointment

November 14, 2018

New FIRST STEP Act Could Still Free Many Fentanyl Dealers

Revised bill doesn't address Trump concerns

November 12, 2018

Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Rent Control Proposal

Housing crisis front and center on California ballot

November 9, 2018

With New Congress, Few Gang-of-Eight Republicans Remain

Retirements and losses signal new direction of party on immigration

November 9, 2018
Neomi Rao

Trump Vets Neomi Rao for D.C. Circuit

Regulatory czar would replace Kavanaugh on Court of Appeals

November 8, 2018