Free Beacon Charles Fain Lehman

Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal. He was previously a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon.

Ernst, Lee Announce Paid Family Leave Proposal

CRADLE Act would give new parents paid time off out of Social Security funds

March 12, 2019

Study: School Reformers Back Democrats

AEI report casts doubt on claim that school reform is a 'right-wing' policy

March 11, 2019

Number of Families Apprehended at Border Continues to Explode

CBP reports most apprehensions in at least five years

March 5, 2019

Kavanaugh Comes Out Strong for Religious Liberty in Comment

Statement on cert denial might presage bigger SCOTUS fight

March 4, 2019

FDA Chief Wants to Test if Opioids Actually Work

Surprising lack of evidence of opioid efficacy

March 1, 2019
Supreme Court

SCOTUS Delays Execution for Man Who Can’t Remember His Crime

Roberts joins liberals in death penalty case

February 27, 2019

House Republicans Float Free-Market Health Care Bills

Comprehensive proposal offers alternative to Medicare for All

February 26, 2019