Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Terry McAuliffe

Terry McAuliffe Has Been Involved in Shady Deals With the Chinese for Two Decades

Feds probe whether McAuliffe campaign took illegal contributions from Chinese billionaire

May 25, 2016

State Department Misleads Congress on Extent of Anti-Israel Bias at United Nations

Watchdog: U.S. must not become an apologist for U.N. Human Rights Council

May 19, 2016
best friend

Obama's Best Friend to Host Hillary Clinton Fundraiser

President's Chicago inner circle publicly throwing support behind Clinton campaign

May 18, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Another Wall Street Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton

Former Goldman Sachs executive hosts Clinton in New Jersey

May 12, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton's Prescription Pill Problem: OxyContin Inventor is a Clinton Foundation Donor

Main culprit in drug addiction epidemic has ties to Clinton campaign, family foundation

May 9, 2016

Toomey Urges McGinty to Join Obama Admin in Fight Against Sanctuary Cities

McGinty at odds with Dem leaders over support of Philadelphia's sanctuary city policy

May 6, 2016