Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Jacky Rosen Violates Own Call to Stop Using Taxpayer Funds for Reelection

Nevada admits border visit highlighted in campaign ad was taxpayer-funded

August 21, 2018

FLASHBACK: Ellison Kept Campaign Cash from Donor Convicted of Assault

Other Democrats returned money over donor's domestic violence conviction

August 16, 2018
Chuck Schumer

Schumer Fundraises Off Russia's Attempt to Hack McCaskill's Senate Office

'Russia knows that Claire is more than deserving of reelection'

August 15, 2018
Tammy Baldwin

Vukmir Plans to Make Baldwin Pay for Medicare for All Support

Wisconsin Republican releases her playbook on defeating Tammy Baldwin

August 15, 2018
pro-life rally

Missouri Democrats Slam Door on Pro-Life Voters

'They want us to shut up and vote. Well, we're not going to do that anymore'

August 14, 2018