Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Tammy Baldwin

Vukmir Plans to Make Baldwin Pay for Medicare for All Support

Wisconsin Republican releases her playbook on defeating Tammy Baldwin

August 15, 2018
pro-life rally

Missouri Democrats Slam Door on Pro-Life Voters

'They want us to shut up and vote. Well, we're not going to do that anymore'

August 14, 2018
Josh Hawley

Missouri Farm Bureau Slams McCaskill, Endorses Hawley

Farm Bureau president says relationship with McCaskill 'is not good'

August 10, 2018
Sen. Claire McCaskill

McCaskill Campaign Paid Lawyers Critical of Her Opponent

Lawyers paid $2,500 by campaign just after they wrote 'scathing open letter' to GOP's Josh Hawley

August 9, 2018

McCaskill-Hawley Showdown Begins With Fight Over Debates

Candidates trade personal letters on debate rules following primary wins

August 8, 2018
James Smith

Democrat Who Won His Primary Almost Schemed His Way Off the Ballot

South Carolina Democrat brought state's 'sore loser' law into play with attempt to win third party nominations

August 7, 2018