Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

CFPB Worked With Exposed Antifa Leader on Payday Loan Rule

New leadership expected to announce changes to rule in coming days

February 6, 2019

Liberal Writers Made Same Sexual Assault Arguments as Neomi Rao

Pressed on 1994 sexual assault article, Rao says she's 'matured as thinker'

February 5, 2019

Host of Hollywood Fundraiser for Kamala Harris Employs Her Lawyer Husband

Harris's husband defended Universal Studios in 'Straight Outta Compton' wrongful death suit

February 2, 2019

Defiant Northam Not Resigning After Yearbook Surfaces with Picture of Men in Blackface, KKK Robe

UPDATE: Northam says he's 'deeply sorry' for 'clearly racist and offensive' photo

February 1, 2019
Terry McAuliffe

An Effort to Redefine Terry McAuliffe

Ready for Terry PAC pushes McAuliffe's record as governor to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire

February 1, 2019
Nancy Pelosi

House Dems Reject GOP Proposal to Block Raises for Federal Employees Guilty of Sexual Misconduct

Vote was chaired by Democrat Tony Cardenas, who is accused of drugging teenage girl

January 30, 2019
Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Draws Large Crowd, But Many Remain Uncommitted

Voters turn out to see whether Harris has what it takes to defeat Trump

January 28, 2019