Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Warren Helped Confirm Clueless Obama Bundlers as Ambassadors

Warren pledges not to put donors in diplomatic posts after voting to confirm Obama donors to key posts

July 5, 2019

New York Review of Books Slams Mayor Pete

'Buttigieg often approaches himself with Spock-like detachment'

July 2, 2019

Playboy Heir to Host Kamala Harris Fundraiser

Cooper Hefner will soon launch new site described as mix between 'Fifty Shades' and BuzzFeed

June 29, 2019

DNC Fundraising at Home of Disgraced Lumber Liquidators Founder

Company just penalized millions for lying about cancer-causing Chinese-made floors

June 27, 2019

Biden Won't Commit to TPP Trade Deal He Championed as VP

'His campaign press secretary declined to comment on what his position is'

June 26, 2019

New GOP Senate Candidate Fought Taliban on Horseback

Brig. Gen. Donald Bolduc challenging Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire

June 24, 2019