Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Gary King Speaks at Radical Union Rally

Gov. Susana Martinez again called ‘wicked witch’ by King allies

October 21, 2014

Liberal Union Backs Libertarian Candidate in Illinois Governor Race

Union: ‘Stakes couldn’t be higher for our union and we have to make sure Pat Quinn is elected’

October 16, 2014

Dem Worth Millions Plays Poor in New Campaign Ad

Cheri Bustos ad claims "tough times" for congresswoman's family

October 16, 2014

'Unemployed' Man in Dem Attack Ad is Actually Employed

And his employer supports Republican Paul LePage

October 13, 2014

When Dems Are in Trouble, They Call Marc Elias

Elias was hired gun brought in to save Dem chances in Kansas Senate election

October 13, 2014
Kay Hagan

Hagan Passed North Carolina Law that Aided Family’s Solar Company

Son’s solar panel company launched after law passed by state legislature

October 10, 2014

Fred DuVal’s Lobbying Career Ties Him to Anti-Israel Group, African Diamond Industry

DuVal was senior manager at firm with questionable lobbying clients

October 8, 2014