Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

America’s Redemption Story

The five most inspiring moments from a series on heroes of the war on poverty

March 17, 2015
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton

Clinton Foundation Took $2 Million from Chinese Company in 2013

Company spent millions lobbying State Department

March 16, 2015

Democrats Can't Resist Sending Naked Pictures to Sydney Leathers

Second Democrat falls victim to Anthony Weiner's sexting partner

March 12, 2015

Networks Decline to Run Ad Warning of Dangers of Nuclear Iran

ABC, CBS, NBC choose not to air ad from bipartisan group of senators

March 12, 2015

Kay Hagan Blames Money in Politics for Election Loss Despite Outspending Opponent

Hagan now teaching “Money in Politics” class at Harvard

March 11, 2015
Hillary Clinton

Highlights from Hillary's Horrible Past Two Years

Timeline: The news has not been good for Hillary Clinton

March 6, 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton

Highest Paid Clinton Foundation Employees Are All Male

Top 8 most highly compensated employees are male

March 5, 2015