Free Beacon
Brent Scher
Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.
Hockey Goalie Catches Beer Thrown by Fan, Chugs It
Virginia player ejected from hockey game, for being awesome
September 14, 2015
Anthony Weiner Barred From Hillary Clinton Event
Weiner's new boss tells him to stay away from his fundraiser
September 9, 2015
Dem Donor Philip Falcone Attempts Comeback Amid Financial Ban
September 4, 2015
New Hillary Clinton Supporter Refused to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance
Radical NYC city council speaker an outspoken supporter of Puerto Rican terrorists
September 2, 2015
NY Democrats Being Pushed to Back Off New Regulation Attempt
Dems ready to back down after 'unnecessary' tattoo regulation causes uproar
September 2, 2015
Only One Woman Running for President Pays Women as Much as Men
Republican Carly Fiorina pays female campaign staffers more than male staffers
August 26, 2015