Free Beacon
Brent Scher
Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.
FLASHBACK: Justice Department Investigated Whether Asian Donors to Clinton Campaign Were Coerced
Hillary Clinton traveling to California to launch Asian-American outreach initiative
January 7, 2016
Joe Sestak: 'Iran Has Met Its End Of The Deal'
Sestak wants to hand Iran $100 billion despite ballistic missile tests
January 6, 2016
Mark Penn: Obama Said The ‘Stupidest Thing Ever Said By A President’
Penn controls firm handling communications for the Obama Foundation
January 4, 2016
Pennsylvania Dem John Fetterman Still Has Not Filed Required Financial Disclosure
Fetterman called failure an ‘honest oversight’ that would be fixed—three weeks ago
December 16, 2015
After Tough Talk on Corporate Inversions, Hillary Clinton to Fundraise with Warren Buffett
The Oracle of Omaha led Burger King's corporate inversion to Canada last year
December 16, 2015
Featured Guest At Hillary Clinton Fundraiser Said Gay Parents are Bad for Kids
‘Nature is about continuation of the species—in other words, children’
December 15, 2015