Free Beacon Bill McMorris

Bill McMorris is senior editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He joins the Beacon from the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, where he was managing editor of Old Dominion Watchdog. He was a 2010 Robert Novak Fellow with the Phillips Foundation, where he studied state pension shortfalls. His work has been featured on CNN, Fox News, The Economist, Colbert Report, and numerous print publications and radio stations. He lives in Alexandria, Va, with his wife and three daughters. His Twitter handle is @FBillMcMorris. His email address is

Union Whistleblower Warns of Shadow Campaign Against Walmart

Former UFCW official says Walmart strikers are astroturf union agitators

November 25, 2014

Our Lady of $15 Wages Pray For Us

UFCW and allies invoke God, omit employees in Walmart protest literature

November 24, 2014

Union Front to Launch Mass 'Street Theater' Protest on Black Friday

Liberals, environmentalists flock to Walmart for Black Friday protests

November 21, 2014

Non-Profit Groups Take On Teachers Union Monopoly

Christian group offers union benefits at a fraction of the cost

November 19, 2014

Teachers Union Ignores State Law Against Campaign Spending

Complaint: Lax oversight led to exploitation of teachers

November 19, 2014

See No Evil, Report No Evil

Report: School and union did nothing to stop alleged special ed child abuser

November 18, 2014

NLRB Complaint: Fed Employees Union Violates Worker Rights

NAGE accused of keeping workers in the dark

November 14, 2014
an employee at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tenn., works on a Passat sedan

The Decline of Democratic Unionism

VW move represents a drift away from majority rule

November 14, 2014

VW Employees Offer Alternative to Union

Employee group wants to beat UAW at its own game

November 14, 2014

Labor Watchdogs Oppose Lame Duck NLRB

Want proper vetting of new nominee

November 13, 2014