Free Beacon Bill McMorris

Bill McMorris is senior editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He joins the Beacon from the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, where he was managing editor of Old Dominion Watchdog. He was a 2010 Robert Novak Fellow with the Phillips Foundation, where he studied state pension shortfalls. His work has been featured on CNN, Fox News, The Economist, Colbert Report, and numerous print publications and radio stations. He lives in Alexandria, Va, with his wife and three daughters. His Twitter handle is @FBillMcMorris. His email address is

cash money

Liberal Activists Grow Fat on Union Dues

Political groups received $420 million

March 17, 2016
Barack Obama, Merrick Garland

Obama’s Union-Friendly
Supreme Court Nominee

Analysis reveals Garland’s deference to labor regulators, pro-union attitude

March 17, 2016

AZ Supreme Court to Rule on No-Show Cops

Lower courts declared union release time unconstitutional

March 16, 2016

Labor Secretary Perez Takes Time Out to Campaign for Hillary, Unions

America Rising to Perez: 'Come clean’ about whether you spent taxpayer dollars on trips

March 15, 2016
Maggie Hassan

Reid Pumps More Dark Money Into Hassan’s Race

Ayotte slams campaign finance hypocrisy

March 15, 2016

Millennials Are Who We Thought They Were

Young workers, students lag far behind their peers overseas

March 15, 2016

Five Scandals That Could Hurt Democrats if Thomas Perez Is Their VP Pick

Labor secretary, potential Clinton veep has made a career out of controversy

March 14, 2016
Maggie Hassan

New Hampshire Dem Hassan Banks on Dark Money Attack Ads

Harry Reid Super PAC floods state with ad after Hassan balks at finance pledge

March 9, 2016

Fight for $15 Billionaire Won’t Hike Wages Until Feds Make Him

Nick Hanauer breaks silence on report of low wages at family business

March 9, 2016