Free Beacon Bill McMorris

Bill McMorris is senior editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He joins the Beacon from the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, where he was managing editor of Old Dominion Watchdog. He was a 2010 Robert Novak Fellow with the Phillips Foundation, where he studied state pension shortfalls. His work has been featured on CNN, Fox News, The Economist, Colbert Report, and numerous print publications and radio stations. He lives in Alexandria, Va, with his wife and three daughters. His Twitter handle is @FBillMcMorris. His email address is

Overruling Cronyism

Severability Would Sink Obama’s Healthcare Allies

March 28, 2012

Filling Station Showdown

Allen ties Kaine to unpopular Obama energy agenda in VA Senate fight

March 27, 2012

Taking STOCK

Watchdog group finds possible examples of insider trading among congressional staff

March 26, 2012

Arca’s Millions

Left-wing philanthropy earns money from profits of tobacco, oil companies

March 26, 2012

Muddying the Waters

Contractors claim regulator tampered with job loss estimates

March 21, 2012

Carney Distorts New
Ryan Budget

Ryan's 2013 budget cuts $5.2 trillion in government spending

March 20, 2012

All in the Ricchetti Family

One former lobbyist works in the White House; the other runs the family business representing companies that received bailout dollars

March 16, 2012