Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Iran-North Korea Missile Cooperation Undermines Recent Geneva Nuclear Deal

Iran and North Korea working on 80-ton rocket booster

November 27, 2013

Iran, North Korea Secretly Developing New Long-Range Rocket Booster for ICBMs

Iranian missile group delegation visited Pyongyang as Geneva nuclear talks were underway

November 26, 2013
U.S. Navy operational exercise beneath a polar ice cap in the Arctic

Polar Cold War

Pentagon outlines strategy on Arctic security threats as polar ice melts

November 25, 2013

U.S. Warns China Over East China Sea Maritime Grab

PRC air defense zone risks conflict over disputed islands

November 25, 2013

Rice Warns China to Curb Cyber Espionage

Continued theft of online secrets will undermine ties

November 21, 2013
hairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin E. Dempsey

JCS Chairman Decries Defense Budget Uncertainty

Dempsey agrees that deterring an assertive China is undermined by harsh U.S. budget cuts and Beijing’s military buildup

November 20, 2013

Pentagon: Drone Strikes to Remain Indispensable Weapon Against Terrorists

Killer drones used judiciously; civilian casualties minimized

November 19, 2013

U.S. to Train Libyan Military, Including Islamists

Socom chief warns counterterrorism training will be risky

November 16, 2013
China's state-run Global Times published China's plans to kill 5 million to 12 million Americans using submarine-launched nuclear missiles against the U.S. west coast

Admiral: China Nuclear Missile Submarine Threat is Not Credible

Says U.S. nuclear-armed missile submarines remain a powerful deterrent

November 16, 2013