Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

FBI Training Questioned in Recent Terror Attacks

New Jersey terror suspect known to FBI in 2014

September 22, 2016

The Cyber Threat: Snowden—Ultimate Insider Threat Missed by NSA Security

How political correctness harms the intelligence community and national security

September 20, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Senator Seeks Formal
Damage Assessment of Clinton Email Secrets Loss

Lack of DNI inquiry risks charges of ‘partisanship or incompetence’ by spy agencies

September 16, 2016
Barack Obama

State Letter Reveals Plan for U.S. Legal Commitment to Unratified Nuclear Treaty

Senator opposed to back-door ratification of test ban accord

September 7, 2016
Wang Lijun

Clinton Turned Away High-Level Chinese Defector to Assist Beijing Leaders

Intelligence windfall on Chinese leadership lost after police defector betrayed

September 6, 2016
Vladimir Putin

Russia to Field Hypersonic Missiles by 2020

High-speed missiles designed to defeat missile defenses

August 25, 2016

China’s Covert Weapons Procurement Revealed in Florida Case

‘Technology spy’ sought advanced jet engines, Reaper drone for reverse engineering

August 24, 2016
A Mexican soldier patrols along the U.S.-Mexico border wall on the outskirts of Nogales, Mexico

Southern Command Warns Sunni Extremists Infiltrating From South

Islamists freely cross U.S. border with help of S. American alien smugglers

August 22, 2016