Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Anti-Taliban Movement Gaining Strength in Afghanistan, U.S. Says

U.S. officials optimistic about local uprisings

July 12, 2013

Pentagon: Growing Threat as China Expands Missile Arsenal Development

Report reveals new data on growing Chinese missile threat

July 11, 2013

Russia Uses Snowden to Crack Down on Internet

Russia seeking tighter Internet controls after NSA leaks

July 10, 2013

Haqqani Network Hit in Drone Strike

CIA drone strike kills 17 terrorists in Pakistan

July 3, 2013

Russian Defense Radar, Missiles Worry U.S. Officials

Russia deploying new missile defense radar while seeking curbs on U.S. defenses

July 3, 2013

Syria: New Terrorist Training Ground

Up to 6,000 jihadists now fighting with al Qaeda groups

July 2, 2013

Iran ICBM Advances

Iran conducts test of new rocket motor with ICBM capability

June 28, 2013

Benghazi Attack Suspect Walks

Libyans release suspect linked to Benghazi attack

June 27, 2013