Free Beacon Ali Meyer

Ali Meyer is a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon covering economic issues that expose government waste, fraud, and abuse. Prior to the Free Beacon, she was a multimedia reporter with where her work appeared on outlets such as Drudge Report and Fox News. She also interned with the Heritage Foundation and Pacific Research Institute. Her Twitter handle is @DJAliMeyer, and her email address is

college grads

Obama Administration Says Student Loan Debt Boosts Economy

Education expert refutes claim, says unemployed students or those in loan default leave taxpayers on the hook

July 20, 2016
Bank of England

Global Economic Growth Downgraded Due to Brexit Uncertainty

International Monetary Fund says uncertainty could roil global markets

July 19, 2016

National Health Spending to Exceed $10,000 Per Person for First Time

Health care spending projected to account for one-fifth of economy by 2025

July 18, 2016

Official: 6 of 7 Remaining Obamacare Co-Ops on the Brink

So far 16 co-ops have failed out of 23

July 14, 2016

CBO: Debt to Double as Percentage of GDP Over Next 30 Years

Outside analysis claims CBO underestimates growth of debt

July 13, 2016

Obama Concedes Shortcomings of Obamacare, Proposes ‘Public Option’

President touts Affordable Care Act while admitting high costs

July 12, 2016

Most Obamacare Co-Ops Have Now Failed

Two co-ops went under in past week

July 12, 2016

The Obama Economy: Slowest Recovery Since 1949

Analyst: ‘Chances for an official recession this year or next are very high’

July 11, 2016
Job fair

94,517,000 Americans Not in Labor Force as Participation Rate Ticks Up

Record-high number of 56,855,000 women not in labor force in June

July 8, 2016