Free Beacon Ali Meyer

Ali Meyer is a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon covering economic issues that expose government waste, fraud, and abuse. Prior to the Free Beacon, she was a multimedia reporter with where her work appeared on outlets such as Drudge Report and Fox News. She also interned with the Heritage Foundation and Pacific Research Institute. Her Twitter handle is @DJAliMeyer, and her email address is

HHS Launched Obamacare Website With Known Security Concerns

Documents reveal the testing contractor recommended a denial to operate a month before website was launched

April 18, 2017

Taxpayers Spend 113 Days Working to Pay Nation's Tax Burden

Americans will spend $5.1 trillion on federal, state, and local taxes in 2017

April 18, 2017
Donald Trump

President Trump to Sign Buy American, Hire American Executive Order

Order will enforce immigration laws, close loopholes, attempt to stop unfair trade practices

April 17, 2017

One in Five Small Businesses Spend at Least $10,000 on Tax Administration Annually

20% of businesses spend more than 120 hours a year on taxes

April 17, 2017
Lois Lerner

House Republicans Urge Justice Department to Investigate IRS Targeting Scandal

After Obama administration refused to review IRS conduct, Republicans request fresh look at evidence

April 13, 2017
cash money

Government Collects $1.47 Trillion in First Half of Fiscal 2017

Despite high tax collection, government still ran deficit of $526 billion

April 12, 2017

Report: House Tax Reform Plan Would Create 1.7 Million Jobs and Increase After-Tax Incomes

Incomes would rise on average by 8.7 percent or by $4,917 for median households

April 12, 2017

More Than Half of U.S. Households Suffered Hardship From a Financial Shock in 2015

Even with $2,000 of savings on hand, 50 percent reported struggling to make ends meet

April 11, 2017