Free Beacon Alana Goodman

Alana Goodman is a senior investigative reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. She was previously investigative political reporter at the Washington Examiner and a senior reporter at the Daily Mail. Goodman has written for Commentary, the Weekly Standard, and the New York Post. She lives in Washington, D.C. Her Twitter handle is @alanagoodman. Her email address is

NY Times Won’t Investigate Hedges’ Work Amid Plagiarism Charge

Leftist author’s history of plagiarism exposed by New Republic

June 12, 2014

Hillary to New York Times: Back Off

Inside the secret summit between Team Hillary and the New York Times

June 4, 2014

IRS Examining Tax Fraud Allegations at Voice of Russia

Tax issues latest problem to hit Russian propaganda outlet

June 3, 2014

Beating of American Pastor in Iran Linked to Nuke Talks

Saeed Abedini serving eight-year sentence on religious charges

May 20, 2014
Kesha Rogers, Wendy Davis, David Alameel

Democrats Failing to Gain Traction in Texas

Truther in runoff for the Dem nomination for U.S. Senate

May 16, 2014

Israel: Iran Nuclear Deal Unacceptable

Israeli officials publicly criticize deal

May 12, 2014

Ex-Im Bank Backing Brunei Despite Death Penalty for Gays

Hollywood community protesting Clinton Global Initiative donor’s anti-gay laws

May 9, 2014

Security Tight at Secretive Democracy Alliance Meeting

Billionaires and millionaires rub elbows behind closed doors with Democratic pols and progressive foundations

May 1, 2014

Holder Cancels Graduation Speech Amid Protests

AG had been scheduled to address police cadets in Oklahoma City

April 24, 2014