Free Beacon Alana Goodman

Alana Goodman is a senior investigative reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. She was previously investigative political reporter at the Washington Examiner and a senior reporter at the Daily Mail. Goodman has written for Commentary, the Weekly Standard, and the New York Post. She lives in Washington, D.C. Her Twitter handle is @alanagoodman. Her email address is

Tom Cotton

Cotton Tops Pryor in Arkansas

Republicans nab hotly contested seat

November 4, 2014

Jet-Setting Postal Service Chairman Racks Up Big Travel Bill

Waste continues with unnecessary flights to Brazil, Qatar

November 4, 2014

Braley Donor Threatens Lawsuit Against National Review, Des Moines Register

Attempt to stop investigation of star of Braley campaign ad

November 3, 2014
Pittsburgh Skyline

State Dept., Iran Officials Meet at Pittsburgh Business Forum

State Dept. denies Iranian officials discussed business with companies in attendance

October 31, 2014

Kitchen Nightmares

Anti-Israel restaurant receives funding from John Kerry’s wife’s foundation

October 24, 2014
Mark Pryor

Arkansas Democrat Mark Pryor: Desegregation an ‘Unwilling Invasion’

In thesis, Pryor argued Democratic dominance in Arkansas caused by reaction to federal desegregation efforts

October 21, 2014

‘Ph.DJ’ Moonlights as Biden’s National Security Adviser

Disc Jockey to the political stars works for the veep

October 8, 2014

B'Tselem Apologizes Over Holocaust-Denying Staffer

NGO had previously rejected claims staffer had denied the Holocaust

October 6, 2014
Harry Reid

Donor Blames Harry Reid for Low Approval Ratings, Being Out of Touch

Democratic leader comes under fire at private fundraiser for Mark Pryor

October 2, 2014