Free Beacon Adam Kredo

Adam Kredo is senior writer reporting on national security and foreign policy matters for the Washington Free Beacon. An award-winning political reporter who has broken news from across the globe, Kredo’s work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary Magazine, the Drudge Report, and the Jerusalem Post, among many others. His Twitter handle is @Kredo0. His email address is

The Congressman and the Imam

Democrat’s Support for Radical Cleric Emerges As Issue in House Race

July 27, 2012


Defense sequester will exact high cost in morale, preparedness, senators and former officials say

July 26, 2012

Insuring Ahmadinejad

Insurance industry, White House, Harry Reid attempt to weaken Iran sanctions, sources say

July 25, 2012

Goldman’s Magnitsky ‘Monitors’

Wall Street Giant Disputes Report it Lobbied Against Human Rights Legislation

July 24, 2012

Obama Campaign Downplays Syria, Soft-Pedals Iran

Obama for America surrogates barely mention Syrian bloodshed during call

July 23, 2012


Goldman Sachs lobbying against human rights legislation

July 19, 2012

The China Shills

Reps, dissidents suggest investigating WaPo-China partnership

July 18, 2012

Egypt Attaches Strings to Peace with Israel

Clinton silent as Egyptian officials reinterpret Camp David Accords

July 16, 2012