Adam Kredo is senior writer reporting on national security and foreign policy matters for the Washington Free Beacon. An award-winning political reporter who has broken news from across the globe, Kredo’s work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary Magazine, the Drudge Report, and the Jerusalem Post, among many others. His Twitter handle is @Kredo0. His email address is
Lawmakers Seek to Re-Open ‘Flawed’ Iran Nuclear Weapons Investigation
Revelations Obama admin knew of possible weapons work, stayed silent
Obama Admin Battling Internal War Over Giving Iran Access to U.S. Dollars
Internal strife as Treasury rejects State Department efforts to appease Iran
Congress Warns Russia
Over ‘Provocative’ Military Action Against U.S. Forces
Russian intercepts of U.S. military craft sparks anger on Capitol Hill
Obama Admin Under Scrutiny for Ignoring U.S. Law Banning Russian Arms Sale to Iran
White House stalls congressional inquiry into its failure to invoke law
Obama Admin Rejects Funding for Israel’s Security, Defense
Will not fully fund Israeli-U.S. missile defense
Iran Announces ‘Milestone’ Deal to Buy Boeing Planes
Top U.S. contractor Boeing will not comment on announcement