Free Beacon Adam Kredo

Adam Kredo is senior writer reporting on national security and foreign policy matters for the Washington Free Beacon. An award-winning political reporter who has broken news from across the globe, Kredo’s work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary Magazine, the Drudge Report, and the Jerusalem Post, among many others. His Twitter handle is @Kredo0. His email address is

Secretary of State John Kerry talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Vienna

Obama Admin Covering Up Key Iran Deal Details in Final Days

Rubio spox: Senator looks forward to helping Trump shred Iran deal

November 22, 2016

The GOP All Star Team

Trump holds meetings with top Republicans while building next administration

November 21, 2016
Mike Pompeo

Incoming CIA Director Has Reputation for Confronting Iran

Pompeo pick garners high praise from congressional sources, policy experts

November 18, 2016
a Boeing 747 of Iran's national airline is seen at Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran

House Lawmakers to Nix Obama Admin-Backed Sale of U.S. Planes to Iran

Iran angling to rebuild war fleet with American planes

November 16, 2016
Mideast Iran Russia

U.S. Officials ‘Concerned’ as Iran, Russia Plan $10 Billion Arms Deal

Iran dismisses Trump as officials ink major weapons deal with Russia

November 15, 2016
Donald Trump

Iranian Military Leader Threatens President-Elect Trump

Military leader calls Trump a 'joke,' warns against confronting regime

November 10, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Clinton Camp Planned Pro-Iran 'Echo Chamber' Push

Plans shelved due to deal's unpopularity

November 7, 2016

Military Leader: Iran Sending Elite Fighters Into U.S., Europe

IRGC commander: 'IRGC will be in the U.S. and Europe very soon'

November 2, 2016