Adam Kredo is senior writer reporting on national security and foreign policy matters for the Washington Free Beacon. An award-winning political reporter who has broken news from across the globe, Kredo’s work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary Magazine, the Drudge Report, and the Jerusalem Post, among many others. His Twitter handle is @Kredo0. His email address is
Iran: Trump Administration Violating Nuclear Deal
Iranian officials lash out at Trump following new push to isolate Tehran
U.S. Overtures to Hezbollah Suggest Internal Trump Admin Battle
Trump admin divided on crushing Hezbollah, bringing into political process
Iran-Backed Terror Group Claims Half-a-Million Missiles Aimed at Israel
Regional wars open door to Iranian proliferation
Qatar-Backed Spy Operation on U.S. Jews Puts Al Jazeera in Congressional Crosshairs
New effort would force Al Jazeera to register as foreign agent
Trump Admin Not Backing Down From Confrontation With North Korea
Trump admin official: 'U.S. media complicit in North Korea's charm offensive'
Iran Unveils New Homemade Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missiles Amid Massive War Celebrations
As Tehran cracks down of protesters, military rolls out nuclear technology
Congress Laying Groundwork to Boycott U.N. Body After Rash of Anti-Israel Measures
U.N. Human Rights Council singled out for anti-Israel, anti-Semitic action
Feds Scrambled to Redact Information Showing Top Secret Spy Abuse
Newly unearthed info confirms Nunes memo on FBI spying
Iran Issues Death Sentence for Israeli Spy, Claims U.S. Agents Also Imprisoned
'Foreign spies' seeking information on Iran's nuclear, military research