Sunday Show Round Up
Ukraine, Republicans after CPAC, and Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 dominate the news
March 9, 2014
Cheney: Obama Has No Credibility With Allies
Fmr VP: 'No Question' Putin Thinks Obama Is Weak
March 9, 2014
Gates: Defense Budget Cuts 'A Serious Mistake'
'It certainly sends a signal that we are not interested in protecting our global interests'
March 9, 2014
'Bar Rescue' Host: Obamacare Leaving People in Industry 'Concerned,' 'Hesitant,' 'Frozen'
'I really feel this tentativeness about it, and the delays just seem to increase the tentativeness'
March 7, 2014
Ed Schultz: 'Who the Hell Can Project What the Economy's Going to Be Like 15 Years From Now?'
MSNBC host baffled at the idea of economic projections
March 7, 2014
Taxpayers Paid $2.4 Million to Develop ‘Origami’ Condoms
Male, Female, and Anal Versions
March 7, 2014
Lawmakers Criticize Latin American Democracies for Inaction in Venezuela
Organization of American States holds closed-door meeting to discuss crisis
March 7, 2014
Flashback: Obama Tells Union Organizer Min. Wage Hike Would Make Up for Obamacare Lost Wages
Eric Cantor fact checks, finds hike will not help those losing hours
March 7, 2014